By Astrologer & Energy Healing Practitioner Rebekah Muir. Want to work with Rebekah? Book your session HERE.

Ahhh, Mercury retrograde. A Universal time-out and period of divine integration that happens 3-4 times a year. We’ve found things flow much easier when we work with this energy rather than fight against its current.


Crystals are vibrational medicine, and they’re one of our favorite resources for shifting energy. If you’re drawn to crystal work but don’t know what to actually do with your crystals, you may want to check out this article on How To Work With Crystals to help you get started. We’ve also got an article on How To Work With Mercury Retrograde which explains what Mercury Retrograde is if this is all brand new to you. Finally, you can watch us expand on both Mercury Retrograde and our favorite crystals for getting through these periods in the episode of Liberate University linked HERE. All of these crystals are available for purchase in our online store. Without further ado, here are our top crystal recommendations for Mercury Retrograde energetic support.


1. DUMORTIERITE: Stone of Order · Intellect · Communication · Organization · Great for: boosting brain power, self-discipline and organization, intellectual activity, studying and learning of all kinds but especially mathematics and linguistics, retention of information, overcoming shyness, nervousness and stuttering, speaking up, clearing of the throat, confidence and alignment with one’s inner truth, public speaking, self-assertiveness and healthy boundaries, patience, calming the mind, wisdom in chaos, ability to cope in crisis, mindfulness, mental balance, serene mental focus, healthy detachment, constructiveness, creative flow, verbal skills, self-expression, making decisions with clarity and confidence, activating the pineal gland, telepathy, intuitive and clairvoyant guidance, spiritual channeling, automatic writing. Purported Physical Healing & Mental Health Properties: may help with healing of brain fog, anxiety, ADD, hyperactivity, OCD and compulsions, addiction, depression, headaches and stress-related illness, gastrointestinal tract, epilepsy, colic, sunburn, gallbladder, carpal tunnel syndrome, throat ailments, inflammation, allergies.

2. LAPIS LAZULI: Stone of the Gods · Honor · Intuition · Vision · Great for: inner wisdom and self-knowledge, royalty and status, communication and self-expression, spiritual attainment, serenity, creativity, calming anger, harmonizing conflict, family and loyalty, compassionate honesty, leadership, taking charge of your life, studying and educational pursuits. Purported Physical Healing & Mental Health Properties: lowering blood pressure and inflammation, may help migraines, respiratory system, nervous system, throat, larynx and thyroid health, eyesight, bone marrow, thymus and immune system, endocrine system, vertigo, hearing loss, ears and nasal health, insomnia. Purported Mental Health Properties: Addiction recovery, Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, aiding those highly intelligent and neurodivergent individuals in their areas of imbalance.

3. BLUE KYANITE: Stone of Communication · Lucidity · Clairvoyance · Expression · Great for: opening the throat center, speaking, singing or verbally expressing with ease, for dissolving old negative emotional patterns, for effortless transmission and direction of energy, listening and understanding, meditation, divine connection, spiritual connection and communication, nonverbal communication and understanding between people, opening psychic faculties, receiving divine guidance, for slicing through mist, fog and confusion, for lucid dreaming and dreamwork. 

4. FANCY JASPER: Stone of Well-being · Wholeness · Tranquility · Presence · Great for: transmuting guilt from the past and worry about the future, being present and enjoying the here and now, grounding and balancing overwhelming and scattered emotions.

5. MOOKAITE JASPER: Stone of Versatility · Present Moment · Resources · Grounding · Great for: gently grounding and stabilizing the body, nurturing and support, creativity and versatility, cultivating feelings of peace and wholeness throughout the varied landscape of existence, perceptiveness, discernment and seeing all sides of a situation, protection from unwanted energy and influence, appreciating goodness and what is, calling our energy back into the present moment, counteracting loneliness and sadness, abundance, confidence, focus and inspiration, success in business and goals. Purported Physical Healing & Mental Health Properties: detoxification, regulating high blood pressure, tissue and wound repair and restoration, healing of hernias and ruptures, internal organ health and longevity, kidneys and bladder, digestive system, blood purification, helping with cystitis, stomach and glandular problems.

6. SEPTARIAN (aka SEPTARIAN NODULE, DRAGON STONE): Stone of Mother Earth · Nurturing · Grounding · Health · Great for: communication, grace, worthiness, direction and tenacity; cultivating connection to and gratitude for the abundance of Mother Earth; enhancing group work, calming and balancing anger and irritation. 

7. SMOKY QUARTZ: Stone of Stability · Neutralizing · Power · Grounding · Great for: grounding and steadying into the body and mother earth, neutralizing and gently dissolving negative energy, electromagnetic smog and radiation, for dispelling nightmares, relief from sorrow, depression, exhaustion and despair, for releasing anger, resentment and the old story, for mental balance and acceptance of life’s ups and downs, for energetic protection, promoting uplifting thoughts and practical action, empowerment, grounding and supporting physicality and life in the physical world, survival instincts and skills. Purported Physical Healing & Mental Health Properties: may aid in healing anxiety, depression, headaches, muscle tension, easing chronic physical pain, maid aid detoxification and elimination as well as fluid absorption and assimilation of nutrients and minerals, may aid lungs, kidneys, intestines, adrenals, pancreas, reproductive and nervous systems, abdominal and hip health.

8. RUTILATED QUARTZ: Stone of Illumination · Protection · Forgiveness · Solutions · Great for: grounding, forgiving and releasing the past, getting new energy flowing in a clear new direction; vitality, virility and fertility, neutralizing darkness and uplifting mood and state of mind, calming and neutralizing fear, anxiety and phobias, attracting and stabilizing relationships, deflecting unwanted energies, reaching understanding in difficult situations, mental focus and resolve, clarifying thought patterns, easing loneliness.

9. K2 (aka K2 STONE): Stone of Higher Perspective · Grounding · Intuition · Meditation · Great for: seeing the big picture, grounding spiritual downloads into physical reality, stability and safety that fosters spiritual enlightenment, centering and balancing, protection from nightmares.

10. HEMATOID QUARTZ: Stone of Problem-Solving · Balancing · Grounding · Accelerated Healing · A combination of Clear Quartz and Hematite, this matrix combines their properties. Great for: overcoming obstacles, grounding and cleansing scattered and chaotic energies, reducing stress and anxiety, boosting organizational aptitude and fortitude, turning problems into opportunity, manifesting dreams in the physical world through amplifying inspiration, clarifying action steps and inspiring action, aiding focus and concentration, supporting self-worth & self-esteem. Purported Physical Healing Properties: may help with circulation and blood disorders, cleansing of toxins, strengthening of liver and kidneys, immunity boosting.

11. CHRYSOCOLLA: Stone of Truth · Arts · Communication · Teaching · Chrysocolla is a matrix of malachite, azurite, copper, cuprite, quartz and limonite. Great for: healthy and heart-centered communication, self-awareness, authenticity, speaking your truth with grace, strength to be vulnerable, listening skills, storytelling, creative writing, music and musicians, songwriting, singing, chanting and working with sacred sound, for performance, acting and actors, painting and painters, crafts, for designers, teachers (also known as the Teaching Stone), for compassion, enhancing human connection and bonds, tapping into personal power and cooling heated emotions, connecting with the divine feminine and goddess energy, for wise women and tapping into the sacred crone archetype, for cleansing the aura, forgiveness, serenity and peace, mental clarity, prosperity and success in business, for nesting, for hermits and homebodies and those who have trouble settling, for releasing guilt. Purported Physical Healing & Mental Health Properties: may aid depression and anxiety, disorders of the nervous system, womens’ health, pregnancy and menstrual cycles, thyroid and adrenals, throat and larynx, blood health and circulation, blood pressure, blood sugar and diabetes, lungs, digestive system, joint health, arthritis, rheumatism, muscle strength, inflammation, burns, fevers, scar tissue.

12. FLUORITE: Stone of Divine Order · Intuition · Balance · Purpose · Great for: supporting the safe release of grief and trauma and neutralizing negative emotional energy from the system, stabilizing the aura, for bringing order, clarity and calm to confused or chaotic mental energy and inner storms, bringing order and clarity to chaos, harshness and scattered energy in the environment, for decision-making and feeling able to move forward, for balance and coordination, for overcoming shyness. Purported Physical Healing & Mental Health Properties: may support immune system, the regeneration of DNA, cellular restructuring and tissue repair, healing of ulcers, skin, respiratory system, hormonal and endocrine system, bones, spine, rheumatism, arthritis, shingles, nerve pain.

13. LEPIDOLITE: Stone of Balance · Calm · Cosmic Awareness · Reconciliation · Great for: releasing negativity and mental storms, mental and emotional balance, calm and clarity, clearing electromagnetic pollution, deconstructing old patterns & rebuilding. Seeing the big cosmic picture and feeling safe in the Universe.

14. SODALITE: The Writer’s Stone · Creativity · Communication · Truth · Great for: electromagnetic stress, self-esteem, insight and generating ideas, connecting the higher mind with the physical, honoring and expressing your own truth, clearing mental confusion, releasing inadequacy, imposter syndrome and core fears, inner peace, endurance, all works of writing, speaking, listening and communication.

15. BLUE QUARTZ: Stone of Metamorphosis · Clarity · Healing · Programming · Great for: gentle and clear communication, mysticism, connecting and communicating with higher spiritual realms and beings, meditation, clairvoyance and psychic development, dreamwork, multidimensional healing and cellular memory work, crystal programming, mental calm and clarity, inner peace, harmony, higher spiritual perspective in periods of transformation, for forgiveness, hope, creativity and creative expression, speaking your truth, diplomacy, organization and order, self-discipline. Purported Physical Healing & Mental Health Properties: may aid lungs, throat, ears, nose, mouth, eyes, detoxification, hyperactivity.

16. BLUE TIGER’S EYE (aka HAWK’S EYE): Stone of Temperance · Calming · Cooling · Relief · Great for: emotional balance, decompressing from stress, for cooling tempers and releasing anger, rage and fiery emotion, cooling overactive sex drive and sexual frustration, balancing excessive or toxic masculine energy, for soothing anxiety and racing thoughts, clear insight in confusion or hidden situations, communication, speaking your truth, public speaking, overcoming fears and phobias, relaxing and releasing, going with the flow, releasing fear of flying (connected with the Hawk), overall protection, psychic and intuitive development. Purported Physical Healing & Mental Health Properties: may aid overactive metabolism, fatigue, eyes, psychosomatic disease, mood swings, male reproductive health, bones.

17. BOTSWANA AGATE: Stone of Equilibrium · Artistry · Stability · Fertility · Great for: revitalizing the spirit, for comfort and soothing in times of turmoil, loneliness, emotional distress and grief, for facing fears, releasing negative and obsessive cycles of thought, liberating repressed emotion, gaining higher perspective and focusing on solutions instead of problems, for bringing the energy body and physical body into balance, balancing yin and yang energies, bringing the mind and the emotions into balance so that they work together, for imparting stability, strength and tenacity, exploring creativity, deepening your craft, focus, attention to detail, enhancing analytical faculties, releasing disappointment, taking the lessons and releasing the past, making a comeback, rising out of despair, new inspiration and hope, for self-examination and integrity, finding like-minded friends, getting to the root cause of illness, fertility, connecting with and grounding into Mother Earth, protection from fire, protection while traveling. Purported Physical Healing & Mental Health Properties: may aid detoxification, vital energy, nervous system, immune system, sexual and reproductive health, fertility, healthy pregnancy and delivery, circulation, heart, skin, eyes, epilepsy, depression, sleepwalking.

18. EMERALD: Stone of Success · Love · Wealth · Growth · Great for: fortitude and growth over time, fostering patience and longevity, fertility, integrity, loyalty & devotion, equality, respect, strong partnerships, truth and faithfulness, happiness, contentment and enjoyment of the present moment, hope and optimism, unconditional love, heart opening and healing, friendship, intellectuality, communications, mental and emotional balance and harmony, inner fortitude, reasoning faculties, discernment and wisdom, inspiration, innovative and purposeful action, prosperity, business and manifestation, connecting with the Green Ray. Purported Physical Healing & Mental Health Properties: may support heart & lung health, musculoskeletal system, sinuses, eyes & vision, liver and detoxification, healing of arthritis, diabetes and recovery from infection. Correspondences: the planet Mercury.

19. MALACHITE: Stone of Growth · Protection · Progress · Rebirth · Great for: releasing past life traumas, unblocking spiritual path, protection (especially while traveling), easing shyness.

20. HEMATITE: Stone of Grounding· Stability · Clarity · Protection · Great for: feeling safe, grounded, mental fortitude, feeling mentally and physically balanced and calm, clearing anxiety, static and overwhelm, inspiring inner strength and courage, aiding focus, memory and mathematical aptitude, boosting personal magnetism, grounding to Mother Earth, grounding and transmuting negative energy down into Mother Earth, moving through challenging situations with clear thought and empowered action, overcoming overindulgence and bad habits, promoting reliability. Purported Physical Healing Properties: may support circulation, blood regeneration, kidneys, tissue regeneration, spinal health and alignment, absorption of iron, healing of anaemia and bone fractures.